Keynote Speakers
Vice President, Machine Learning
Title: Modeling Best Practices based on ecommerce
applications at Amazon
Chief Project Manager & Biometric Architect,
Unique Identification Authority of India
Chief AI Evangelist, EkStep Foundation
Title: Indian Language AI as Digital Public Good (DPG)
Head, Language Technologies Research Centre
Head, Information Retrieval and Extraction Lab
Professor, IIIT Hyderabad
Title: Generating encyclopedic content in Indian
languages: Challenges and Opportunities
Professor and Associate Chair
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University at Buffalo
Title: Conversational AI - Research Challenges and
Opportunities for Societal Impact
Staff Research Scientist, Google Research,
Associate Professor, Department of Computational
& Data Science, IISc Bangalore
Title: Inclusive Language Technologies for All
Invited Speakers
Associate Professor and Ramanujan Fellow
Department of Computer Science and Automation
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Title: Collective Welfare as a Metric in Algorithmic Decision Making
Head, Centre for Applied Research in Data Sciences, IIT Ropar
Title: Emotion Aware AI
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Delhi
Title: Exploiting Underlying Problem Structure for Improved Generalizability and Interpretability in Neural Models
Assistant Professor & Pankaj Gupta Faculty Fellow, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi
Title: Towards Human-like Reasoning for
Embodied AI Agents
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT, Hyderabad
Title: Completely Blind Quality Assessment of User-Generated Video Content
CTO, Energy & Mobility, Microsoft R&D India
Title: The Software- and AI-Driven Future of Renewables